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Uniting our people and the world in Peace

"This is where you come to discuss the future of America."

 Dedicated to We the People ~ Of the People By the People ~ For the People UNITING FOR A New American Vision

The American Cultural Revolution (AMCURE) was launched

BEFORE the global Covid-19 challenge.

As we all know, this is one of the largest challenges we, as a nation, have faced. Strangely enough, this event is forcing us to review and renew our national identity and way of life. This is exactly what AMCURE is here to do, to help define and create a societal operating system, and rebooting to a new American future. It is not a matter of choice, we are now being forced to adopt and adapt to whole new realities reshaping our nation and our place in the world.


Mission Statement


Written January 1, 2020


As the United States grapples with its future,

most Americans now know that we must act to save

 the greatness of America in the 21st century, or forever lose it.


In stark contrast to the Cultural Revolution in China, America's primary rival for power in the years ahead, the American Cultural Revolution will not end in the death of hundreds of thousands of citizens and years of suffering. The Chinese people are becoming ever more subjects of elaborate control from their one-party system. We must forever be vigilant to assure that never happens to us.


If America is to survive, it must stage a true revolution, not with guns, bombs and violence, but with minds and hearts, pens and words, art and culture that forge the best of America's diverse goodwill into a newly crafted spirit, land and people. It's been done before. It must be done again, starting here and now.


The American Cultural Revolution is a true revolution, not between the old worn-out left and right political forces who rage and taunt, but rather a new narrative and government forged through the celebration of its peoples' diversity by its people, codified by the original founders into our Bill of Rights, which we will be wise to hold sacred and adapt as needed, as that is the basis of our Democracy, ". . of, by, and for the people."


We are a people of divergent thoughts and values fully capable of forging an American future based on our most cherished traditions and highest values to build (rebuild) an America based on tolerance, creativity and peace, to restore the beacon of freedom, democracy and liberty which was gifted to us by our patriot founders. It is now ours to renew, to inspire peace amongst the peoples and nations of the earth.


The American Cultural Revolution invites all  Americans now; the writers, artists, families and towns, anxious to come together to restore a civilized American culture. Thus the need for an American Cultural Revolution embracing the beauty, wonder and dignity of our people, our culture and sacred lands.


As an American citizen, you are already part of this emerging American Cultural Revolution. Take this opportunity, now, to become an official Founder by adding your name to our growing list of 21st Century American Patriots.


Sidney Wildesmith. Founder and proud American citizen.


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click here to learn more about Sidney Wildesmith