This is a moderated discussion of how American should move forward during this



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Here are the 17 Discussion Topics.


1. It is time for an AMERICAN CULTURAL REVOLUTION! How do we begin? How shall we unite? This forum is the home of the American Cultural Revolution (AMCURE). This is our time, this is our land, and we are its people. Lend your voice in defining our right to be who we are, a Nation, "of the people, by the people and for the people". . . to sustain our freedoms, celebrate our diversity, and inspire a world of peace.


2. Grand mistakes have been made by American leaders and corporations over the last 30 years in our relationship with China, which has skillfully disguised its agenda for global domination. Nations must not put dreams of grandeur above the interests of the diverse peoples of the earth.


3. We must embrace nationalism in the context of healthy self-reliance rather than a term for fascistic global totalitarianism.


4. Concentration of wealth is overwhelming the ability of individuals, families, communities and now nations to sustain the complex inter-dynamics of the people. It is imperative that unique economic systems (rather than one global system, when one goes down we all go down) be welcomed to reflect and sustain the diverse expressions of humanity around the world.


5. We have been gifted a life within a miracle that has evolved for billions of years. It is an ever-changing balance and will be forever. We, in our time, have grown as a species with minds and bodies designed to make things, and we have to an extent that nature is struggling to coexist with humans. We must now redirect our gifts to create balance, peace and harmony by becoming one with the mysteries of life on earth.


6. Men and women are different; they are genetically wired as a result of millions of years of evolution. The fact that we exist in two physical forms traces back to the origins of life. Almost all species have males and females, each with its own unique physical form and behaviors. Those differences are here for a reason and we should not blame one or the other, but strive to acknowledge these different roles and behaviors and naturally enjoy them as has been the plan from the beginning of time.


7. Innocence in children is a sacred right of the expression of free will and identity. Children are subjected to hypersexual awareness long before they really need to. Media, Hollywood and progressive politics needs to treat children with greater sensitivity. Return the wonders of childhood by respecting their free will.


8. We must accept the fact that the emergence of humanity around the world has naturally resulted, over thousands of years, in different races of people adapting to the dynamics of their place. It is natural for these races to have developed differently due to their environments. We cannot mandate universal genetics to make everyone the same. So let it be. Enjoy it.


9. We should not be victimized by the world we inherited which has a history of intolerance too often ending in war and hatred. Our religious beliefs and their expression today should be seen for what they are, a natural attempt by people through time and place, to define their cultures to express their humanity.


10. We must cooperate with the nations of the world and respect the right of self-determination and stop taking actions to manipulate and often force our values and systems on them.


11. Our diversity must not only be tolerated, it should, in fact, be celebrated.


12. Regionalism serves the natural order of people in our diverse environments, from cities, to towns, and to rural and remote areas. People must have the right to express their values, traditions and ways native to their place while respecting life and liberty.


13. Sexual politics, rather than liberating humanity and creating equality, has become an excuse for anger, rage and division of the sexes.


14. Political correctness has gone way too far leading to manipulation and control of free speech and thus public dialogue, opinion and outcomes. Words are now considered weapons as those who use them in broadcasting and social media are labeled as dangerous, extreme and now even terrorists. We must return to a society that promotes freedom of speech and thought and a press responsible to the people.


15. The internet has become massively intrusive into the personal lives of we the people. The secret tracking of our citizens, storage of their personal, political and behavioral histories using algorithmic analysis to serve political and corporate power, represents 21st century totalitarianism.


16. Mainstream journalism (news) has been corrupted to serve political and international corporate interests rather than provide a balanced and free discussion of our world, without the venomous diatribes and yellow press that is destroying our nation.


17. The two-party system does not work and must be restructured as it has become a battleground of power, too easily, and too often manipulated for interests contrary to our national and cultural well-being and security.